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Rockingham Redi-Mix Involved in Blue Ridge Tunnel Project

From being led by the French Engineer Claudius Crozet to how it was excavated (hand drills and black powder) to being the longest tunnel in America at the time it was completed, the Claudius Crozet Blue Ridge Tunnel has quite a history. In fact, it was designated as a...

VRMCA Updates from Robert O’Brian

There’s lots of good stuff going on with our association right now. As we head into the summer months, I wanted to recap a few items worth keeping on your radar screen. First, we approved three individuals to the VRMCA Board of Directors at the Spring Convention...

Introducing VRMCA’s New Leadership Program

Since being launched in 2017, the VRMCA Best of the Best program has seen two classes successfully complete it and graduate. Those who participated took valuable information away from the program – but they weren’t the only ones. During the two classes we...