Parking Lots

A cast-in-place concrete parking structure is the economical and long lasting solution to your commercial parking project.

Initial and Life Cycle Costs: Competitive bids show that cast-in-place concrete competes favorably with alternative systems. Factor in life cycle costs and the greater value of cast-in-place concrete is significant.

Low Maintenance Costs: Concrete has always been the solution for projects requiring low maintenance. Put it to work so you won’t have to!

Safety and Security: Use concrete to enhance customer and employee security. Wide beam spacing and flat surfaces means efficient lighting and long lines of sight.

Smooth Riding Surface: Cast-in-place concrete construction means fewer joints. The flooring is also readily warped to provide smooth transition areas such as ramps.

Reduced Structural Depth: Cast-in-place, post-tensioned concrete construction reduces floor system depth by one-third or more in comparison with other systems. Above ground, this means fewer code problems and more parking spaces. Below ground, excavation and shoring costs are minimized.