
The VRMCA Concrete Leadership Program participants tackled their latest session a bit differently than planned. Session Four of the program originally called for a plant and quarry tour of Roanoke Cement Company in Troutville, VA. But given the current restrictions and challenges that COVID-19 poses, the team needed to make a quick adjustment that allowed them to meet the original goals of the session and keep everyone safe. The RCC team was happy to oblige and set up a virtual tour for the group.

The virtual tour – which took place in mid-October – was kicked off by Lindsay Layman, Environmental Engineer for RCC. She provided an introduction to the Roanoke facility which covers approximately 2,500 acres, making a point to note that only 100 of those acres are used for cement production. The rest is untouched land which features a fully stocked trout farm, an apple orchard, apiary, and the Appalachian Trail!

Lindsay also took the group through a high-level introduction of how cement is produced and covered just how focused the company is on energy-efficiency, having received Energy Star honors every year since 2007. They have also achieved GOLD True Zero Waste designation by the GBCI.

The group then heard from Don Ingrassano, VP of Sales – Cement and Aggregates for RCC who spoke about the challenges we as an industry face and the progress that is being made to address those challenges.

While not quite the same as an in-person tour, the CLP group was treated to a top-notch virtual tour, got an inside peek into how one of our VRMCA members is taking active measures to address their carbon footprint and some friendly banter along the way.

The next VRMCA Concrete Leadership Program session is tentatively scheduled for March 2021.