
Registration is now open for the VRMCA 2020 Plant & Fleet Maintenance Seminar, scheduled for Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at the Hilton Richmond Downtown beginning at 8:30am. 

Just like in years past, we will be joined by industry experts who will present relevant, interesting and useful information on the latest industry trends that we hope you will implement within your organization. 

But this time around we’re doing something a bit different. 

Previous seminars have featured presentations focused on BOTH plant and fleet maintenance. But what we’ve heard is that not all the information is relevant to all audiences when we cover both topics. For example, a plant manager may not be interested in hearing about the latest trends in tires. To make sure that attendees are getting the most from the presentations, the committee decided to focus on one topic per seminar. The seminar this year will include presentations that specifically focus on fleet management only.

For all of you who are intersted in the plant side of things, keep an eye out for the 2021 announcement!

We’ll hear presentations from representatives from the following companies:

  • Bendix Brakes
  • Continental Mixers
  • Hendrickson
  • Kenworth
  • Loudoun County Motor Carriers
  • Rice Tire

Register today!
There is a $75 per person registration fee for this event and lunch is included. All are welcome and encouraged to attend, especially owners, plant & fleet maintenance managers and maintenance personnel. You can register today on the VRMCA Web site. We look forward to seeing you there!