The Virginia Ready Mixed Concrete Association (VRMCA) has elected the following new members to its Board of Directors during its annual Spring Convention held in early May in Virginia Beach, VA. The Association is pleased to welcome Chris Clow of Aggregate Industries US, Greenbelt, MD; Morgan Nelson of S.B. Cox Ready Mix, Inc., Rockville, VA; and Tony Wilt of Superior Concrete, Inc., Harrisonburg, VA to the Board.

Mr. Clow and Mr. Wilt have each begun serving two consecutive two-year terms which conclude at VRMCA’s 2023 Spring Convention. Mr. Nelson is serving the remainder of Glenn Webb’s term due to Mr. Webb’s retirement from the industry and concludes at VRMCA’s 2021 Spring Convention.

The Association wishes to thank Sarah Beasley of Capital Concrete, Inc., Norfolk, VA and Larry Bullock of Boxley, Inc., Roanoke, VA for their service and participation. Both are rotating off the VRMCA Board of Directors after completing two consecutive terms of two years.